- Telling Time Test Today
We worked on our test today in class. Some of the students did not complete the test. We will finish the test on Monday in class.
MATEMÁTICAS- Evaluación sobre la hora
- www.raz-kids.com Reading Comprehension
We completed our reading comprehension work in class today. If you did your reading every night this week you now have access to the Raz Rocket!
- Word Work Quiz
We completed our Word Work Quiz in class today for the short /u/ words we have been practicing.
INGLES- Comprensión lectora en www.raz-kids.com
- Quiz de Word Work
- Keep this copy of your grades at home.
Thank you for looking at all of the grades yesterday and returning them to school. Thank you for the comments as well. This is a copy of your child´s grades for you to keep at home.
- Bring your house shirt on Monday for more recess sports!
We had lots of fun today playing with Miss Luza and Mr. Zeb. We will be continuing this on Monday. Bring your house shirt (or a shirt the color of your house if you no longer have your shirt) so you can play with us at lunch recess.
- la copia que enviamos hoy a casa es para que la tengas allá.
- Trae tu camiseta de casas el lunes para mas juegos durante el descanso!