- Estimate Time
Complete the worksheet by thinking about different periods of time. How long will it take you to complete each activity? Think about how much time it would take you.
Would it really take you 10 minutes to read a book or 10 days?
- Picture with Shapes
Draw a picture using only shapes. Count how many shapes the drawing on the top of the paper has and write how many of each there are. At the bottom of the page you can count the number of each shape you use in your picture. To draw the picture you must use a ruler or the shapes that you borrowed from Miss Jill.
Only Ximena (7), Jerónimo (7), Juan Martín (6), Alejandro (7), y laila (6), Santiago (6) have shapes that they borrowed from school. Please bring these shapes back to school on Monday.
MATEMÁTICAS- Aproximación del tiempo
- Dibujos con figuras
- www.raz-kids.com Reading Comprehension
We completed this activity in class today. You can check your grades at www.engrade.com.
- Word Work Quiz
We completed this activity in class today.
- Writing Assessment: Publishing
We are finishing our Writing Assessment! Hooray! We are very excited to share our hard work with everyone. Very soon...
INGLÉS- www.raz-kids.com
- Quiz de Word Work
We completed this activity in class today.
- Evaluación de escritura- Publicación
- Bring your House shirt on Monday.
We will be playing a NEW GAME on Monday with Mr. Zeb and Mr. Manuel during lunch recess.
- Green Apple Challenge +2
We are making our way to 15 days for an End of the Year party! Can we do it together?
- Trae tu camiseta de casas el lunes
- Desafío de las manzanas verdes (mas 2)