- 1-minute Math tomorrow
- 1-minuto de matemàticas
- Research about my animal
Tomorrow we will begin working on our Life Cycles Book. Please bring information about your animal to school if you did not already today. The more information you have to work with, the better your book will be.
- Garden Work
Today we discovered another fruit growing. We are starting to have cucumbers! We also started weeding our garden. To help us keep our garden growing, please bring garden gloves to keep at school. Small gloves, (child-sized) ones will be best for our small hands to work.
- Investigaciòn sobre mi animal
Mañana empezaremos a trabajar en nuestros libros del ciclo de la vida. Por favor trae informaciòn sobre tu animal si no lo hiciste hoy. Entre mas informaciòn tengas para trabajar, mejor serà tu libro.
- Trabajo en el jardìn
- Supperlatives-words to compare (in class)
In our Literacy Centers notebooks, we created puzzles with different animals and people. These puzzles help us to compare size and write sentences about comparing size. (We will be starting an English/Social Studies project tomorrow, in which we will be using these types of words to compare sizes of people, using adjectives we have learned during English.)
- Superlativos- palabras para comparar (en clase)
En nuestros cuadernos de literatura, creamos rompecabezas con diferentes animales y personas. Estos rompecabezas nos ayudan a comparar tamaño y a escribir oraciones sobre comparaciòn de tamaños. ( empezaremos un proyecto de Inglès/ Sociales mañana, en los cuales estaremos usando estos tipos de palabras para comparar tamaños de personas, usando los adjetivos que hemos aprendido en clase.
- Please send your permission slip and money for our class retreat as soon as possible. We will be going on this retreat on Thursday, December 10th.
- Por favor envia el dinero para la convivencia lo mas pronto posible. Iremos a la convivencia el jueves, 10 de diciembre.